Kimberly B. Lewis is the President and CEO of Goodwill Industries of East Texas and the owner of Motivational Muse, LLC. She has more than 23 years of executive level non-profit and business experience – over 20 of which has been leading Goodwill agencies.

She holds a Bachelor’s Degree from the College of Charleston in Charleston, SC, a Master’s Degree from Marshall University in Huntington, WV., and is a Certified Executive through the Goodwill Industries Executive Development Program. She is also a certified Master Life Coach.

Ms. Lewis is the founding member and past Chair of the Goodwill Industries International (GII) Diversity & Inclusion Committee and winner of the GII 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Champion Award and the 2023 PJ Trevethan Award for outstanding contributions to the training of Goodwill staff. She is a former member of the GII Board of Directors and former Chair of the GII Conference of Executives.

She has been honored with many other national awards during her career, including the 2021 Inclusive Community Development Award from the National Disability Institute.

She is a best selling author, speaker, consultant and frequent contributor to Forbes Magazine as a member of the Forbes Nonprofit Council, and chair of the Forbes DEI Council. She is a respected professional and her articles have been published by Advancing Philanthropy, Workability International, AFPICON, Kahoots!, Retail Operations Network, The Global Good Fund, and others.

She is the author of the historical novel entitled “The Fourth Generation” and “A Seat At The Table or A Part of The Meal”- Creating A Culture of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, which was nominated in 2020 for the Terry McAdam Book Award. Her third book is entitled “Biases” is guide to uncovering one’s own areas of unconscious bias. She just released her fourth book, a collaboration with international speaker Lisa Nichols entitled “Against All Odds.”

She is the mother of two accomplished daughters, Jasmine and Alesha, and they share a love of traveling, reading, community service, and creative writing.



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